Украину не будет смысла восстанавливать в случае её поражения, заявил генсек НАТО Йенс Столтенберг.
Что касается восстановления Украины после войны, то сначала нужно добиться, чтобы она одержала верх. Если Украина не одержит верх, то будет нечего восстанавливать в свободной и независимой Украине.
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господа, предлагаю как-то быть ближе к пруфам а то херня получается
NATO Secretary General (Brussels, Belgium): Well, first on the question about NATO's role in reconstruction of Ukraine after the war. The first thing I will say is that first of all, you need to ensure that Ukraine prevails. Because unless Ukraine prevails, there's nothing to reconstruct in the free and independent Ukraine. So the most immediate, the most important task now is to help Ukraine with military support as NATO Allies and NATO do. We need to sustain that. We need to make the support more predictable and more robust, and we are going to hopefully make decisions on that not least at the NATO Summit in July. So yes, reconstruction in the future is important, but unless Ukraine prevails, there is nothing to reconstruct. And the second, reconstruction will be very expensive. But prevention is cheaper than, in a way, repairing so meaning that every air defence missile we can provide Ukraine will actually mean less damage, less destruction. And then also less need for reconstruction after the war.
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