Бриташкам теперь нужно поменять описание танка Challenger: «Challenger 2 никогда не нёс потерь от рук противника». А то слишком громко такие лозунги звучат ))
Сергей Колясников сегодня в 6:59 ъ [18+ мат] А вот и разбитый британский Challenger под Работино (и не только он). Укронацисты бросили в мясорубку контрнаступления всё, что есть. Доброе утро — OVERVIEW ВОЕННЫЙ CHALLENGER 2 WARRIOR CHALLENGER 2 BULLDOG & FV430 SERIES OPERATIONS USAGE TRAINING KEY SPECIFICATIONS UVE FIRING FOOTAGE in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Iraq, and has never experienced a loss at the hands of the enemy. OVERVIEW The Challenger 2 Is a main battle tank, designed to destroy other tank<; It hac b*»en used bv the British Armv on operations In Bosnia and Herzegovina. Kosovo and Iraq, and has never experienced a loss at the hands of the enemy. Built In the UK by Vickers Defence Systems, now BAE Systems and Land Armaments, It was designed as a replacement to the Challenger 1 tank In 1986 and has been In service with the British Army since July 1994. Challenger 2 is used by four armoured regiments, based in the South West of England at Tidworth, Wiltshire, and Bovington. Dorset The regiments are called The Queen's Royal Hussars, The King's Royal Hussars. The Royal Tank Regiment, and The Royal Wessex Yeomanry which is the reserve regiment Each regiment operates 56 Challenger 2 tanks and a similar number of supporting vehicles in tasks such as reconnaissance and ammunition supply.
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