118,Z КВ яйя Глава Cr 1А I IV* 'Ч l^v was are cute but they’re not really eco-friendly /t'.vs buih\' ¡y.tt.i* '■ "“c One less baby helps the planet more than giving up meat, car CJ/oNiw MorUm* GOOD FOR THE EARTH nr fog childrwi U the m<*t destructive thin* » p,r >*on ran to do to the envt ronment, according to a new study Kownnher* from 1-und lni\*rtit> tn Sweden found having one fewer child per family can save “an overuse of 58 6 tonnes of C02-equtVHlent omissions per year" Knting meat, driving a car and travelling by aeroplane made up the list of the most polluting things peo [>le can do to the planet But having children was top. ac-'ording to the new study, published n the journal Environmental Re carch Letters “A US family who chooses to have ne fewer child would provide the »me level oT emissions reductions as 34 teenagers who choose to adopt jmprehenslve recycling for the rest r their lives,” it said. Lead author Seth Wynes told The jcai: “VVe found there are four ac->ns that could result in substantial ActMty C02WW** <«•■•«> Not having babies Avoiding trana-Attardtc nights 2J Living car-free washing clothes m cold water *J Uogradlng tight butt» U fating a plant-based d*et »1 decreases in an indlvUlual's carbon footprint: eattny a plant-based diet, avoiding air travel. living car free and having smaller families. “Fbr example, living car-free saves about 14 tonnes >f CQ2 equivalent per year, while eating a plant based diet saves 0.8 tonnes of C02 equivalent a year.“ The paper, wbirh studied analysed 39-peer rev if wed Journals studying the environmental policies of several major economies, found most governments focused on incremental chang es which have Tmuch smaller poten ttal to reduce emission»" Although government» focused on Increasing recycling scheme* and using energy HTtf lent light hull», these methods were between four and etfht times less effective than eating a plant-based diet Researchers found that avoldlnt one trans-Atlantic flight per year c* save between 0 7 and 2.8 tonnes Of CC equivalent per year (dependingon tl distance travelled, amount o( lugga on board and how many passenge on the flight) whereas recycling w typically only save 0.21 tonnes of < equivalent per year This means rt cling is 3-13 times less likely to s the planet than avoiding that e: flight Carbon emissions must fa two tonnes of C02 per person by 2C avoid severe global warming, s? searchers, tk wot pf*otv «Дети - эта очень мила, но неэкологично» Из газеты TIMES: «Родив на одного ребенка меньше, вы сделаете для планеты больше, чем если б отказались от мяса или автомобиля» В опросе «Что лучше для Земли?» на первом месте оказалась «Бездетность», потому что она уменьшает выбросы углекислого газа в атмосферу на 58 с половиной тонн в год. А ниже, с огромным отрывом, идут отказ от авиаперелетов и авто, стирка в холодной воде и тд. Ох этот западный мир, то ЛГБТ, теперь пропаганда отказа от детей.. Сокращение население в полной красе if
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