Министерство иностранных дел Саудовской Аравии опубликовало заявление, в котором утверждается, что а / Ватные вбросы (ватные вбросы, ватная аналитика, пандориум,) :: Я Ватник (# я ватник, ) :: разная политота :: фэндомы

фэндомы Ватные вбросы ...Я Ватник разная политота 
Министерство иностранных дел Саудовской Аравии опубликовало заявление, в котором утверждается, что администрация Байдена оказала давление на королевство, чтобы оно отложило сокращение добычи нефти еще на месяц до окончания промежуточных выборов. Заявление было сделано на следующий день после того, как Байден пригрозил Саудовской Аравии в эфире CNN, заявив, что королевство столкнется с «последствиями», если оно предпримет меры по сокращению добычи нефти.

Источник: https://www.saudiembassy.net/statements/statement-ministry-foreign-affairs-regarding-statements-issued-about-kingdom-following
Источник: https://mobile.twitter.com/KSAmofaEN/status/1580342638816808960

An official at the Foreign Ministry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia stated that the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has viewed the statements issued about the Kingdom following the OPEC+ decision announced on October j-ion, which have described the decision as the Kingdom taking sides
 An official at the Foreign Ministry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia stated that the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has viewed the statements issued about the Kingdom following the OPEC+ decision announced on October j-ion, which have described the decision as the Kingdom taking sides in international conflicts and that it was politically motived again« the United States of America. The Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia would first like to express its total rejection of these statements that arc not based on facts, and which arc based on portraying the OPF.C+ decision out of its purely economic context. This decision was taken unanimously by all member sûtes of the OPEC+ group. The Kingdom affirms that the outcomes of the OPEC+ meetings arc adopted through consensus among member states, and that they arc not based on the unilateral decision by a single country. These outcomes arc based purely on economic considerations that take into account maintaining balance of supply and demand in the oil markets, as well as aim to limit volatility that docs not serve the interests of consumers and producers, as has been always the ease within OPEC +. The OPEC + group makes its decisions independently in accordance with established independent practices followed by the international organizations. The Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia would also like to clarify that based on its belief in the importance of dialogue and exchange of views with its allies and partners outside the OPEC group regarding the situation in the oil markets, the Government of the Kingdom clarified through its continuous consulution with die US Administration that all economic analyses indicate that postponing the OPEC+ decision for a month, according to what has been suggested, would have had negative economic consequences. The Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia affirms that any attempts to distort the facts about the Kingdom’s position regarding the crisis in Ukraine arc unfortunate, and will not change the Kingdom’s principled position, including its vote to support UN resolutions regarding the Russian'Ukrainian crisis, based on the Kingdom’s position on the importance for all countries to adhere to the United Naiions Charter, principles of international law, and the Kingdom's rejection of any infringement on the sovereignty of countries over their territories. The Kingdom stresses that while it strives to preserve the strength of its relations with all friendly countries, it affirms its rejection of any dictates, actions, or efforts to distort its noble objectives to protect the global economy from oil market volatility. Resolving economic challenges requires the establishment of a non-politicized constructive dialogue, and to wisely and rationally consider what serves the interests of all countries. The Kingdom affirms that it view its relationship with the United States of America as a strategic one that serves the common interests of both countries. The Kingdom also stresses the importance of building on the solid pillars upon which the Saudi-US relationship had stood over the past eight decades. These pillars include mutual respect, enhancing common interests, actively contributing to preserve regional and international peace and security, countering terrorism and extremism, and achieving prosperity for the peoples of the region. Miniitry tf Foreign Affain ofthe Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1} (.ktobfT lott! ¡7 Kaki 'aJAwusJ /444 OB'# MAMU»A AWfi VOTA 03V $4
Я Ватник,# я ватник, ,фэндомы,Ватные вбросы,ватные вбросы, ватная аналитика, пандориум,,разная политота
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Я Ватник,# я ватник, фэндомы Ватные вбросы,ватные вбросы, ватная аналитика, пандориум, твит интернет Во///дь Канада,Canada страны саудовская аравия разная политота

Во///дь™ @БиЬЬ_2ЕгО Читать \/ Канада не будет разрывать контракт на поставку оружия Саудовской Аравии из-за убийства журналиста, чтобы не платить большую неустойку. И после этого западные гандоны будут нам рассказывать про демократические ценности и права человека
• Голос Мордора	Г Читать ) -
@Брасе1огс1госк	V_______У
- Майк, вы понимаете , он сам пришёл в консульство, самоубился и саморазчленился!
- Понимаю конечно. Если вы ещё оружия у нас купите, то мы даже потвердим, что это его заставили сделать иранцы или русские, чтобы навредить имиджу Саудовской А

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• Голос Мордора Г Читать ) - @Брасе1огс1госк V_______У - Майк, вы понимаете , он сам пришёл в консульство, самоубился и саморазчленился! - Понимаю конечно. Если вы ещё оружия у нас купите, то мы даже потвердим, что это его заставили сделать иранцы или русские, чтобы навредить имиджу Саудовской А
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Я Ватник,# я ватник, разная политота Ватные вбросы,ватные вбросы, ватная аналитика, пандориум,

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