Владимир Корнилов сегодня в 17:39 Я так и знал, что до такого могут додуматься только в Британии! Там начали выпускать туалетную бумагу многоразового использования! После употребления этой бумаги ее подгружают в стиральную машинку и затем пользуются снова. Интересно, обычное белье они одновременно стирать будут? Shops idea to cut costs is a stinker hardy to* can beat tha a t* lottic tiplady bishop cost-of-living crisis by buying rausabta to dot paper. Ner Zoo it flogging ■ 131. SO dotfi loo ml that can be used repeoterfy. Thr eco company Mys n can be pul through (he waging machine, sating you a ’mini famine' over the yean in paper toilet roil com. K comes in a pack of 24 with dnJps on each sheet. Dir description on (he (hop's website says: "Ihlt washable and reusable laid paper provides a cost-effective and eco-Mendly way (o dean yourself, without creating waste or spending a mini fortune over (tme. This alternative Ills on any standard toilet paper rod and easily te-rolb to hold Its shape. "Alter use. coBrct pieces in a hamper until laumby day, recommend, ed twice a week. Machine wash with hot water Tumble dry low or air dry. "You may choose to pre-soak with vinegar or cleaning snlurton Once dry, re-rod one al a Unte." It comes as rising inflation has wen mad range packs oí nine toilet rod Increase from £3 lo C-1. But one customer fumed: "HI saw this In someone's house I would leave and never come hack,* Another punier said ‘Imagine the sroed and colour oí this thing after one month' The Star Soys: Pago •
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