Хрюн Моржов сегодня в 9:21 Вот вам и весь хуй демократия до копейки! Не пойму, только чему радуются наши беглые либерасты! Они еще не поняли, что когда Западу придется договариваться с Россией их сдадут как стеклотару! SVTV NEWS @svtv_news Швеция и Финляндия обязались: <п о о û ® — Включить курдские организации в список террористов — Подписать договор об экстрадиции и оперативно выдавать диссидентов — Ввести цензуру и «бороться с дезинформацией» против Турции — Отменить эмбарго 2019-го года на поставки оружия в Турцию pic.twitter.com/Hbl7juu8Pn TRILATERAL MEMORANDUM 1. Today Iho representativas of Türkiye. Fniand and Saldan, under the outpicesof the MATO Secretary General, have agreed the foSowmg 2 MATO is ап »atenri based oh the prlndpleo of cd-fw defence and the ¡ndrvisib'hty oí secunty. as val as on commoo valúes Türfaye. Frtand and •vedan аМля día» adherence to the pmoptoo and vofuoo anahrtaad m ihe Waslvngton Treaty 3 One of the Ley Mamante of the Atenea la unwavehng sofadanty and oooporaaon in lia lQht agovtet tonortom. in od ia tamo and manrtosteaons. which constituías a d»rect threat to the national secunty of Albes as well as M tetemadanM paaaa and secunty 4 As prospecto* NATO Albes FMand and Sweden extend their M support lo Turtuye agamst threats to rts nabonal secunty Tothateffect. FMand and •nadan «di no* próvida support lo VPO^VD. and the офвиюаНоп desenbed as FETO in TMye TOrtoye Мао extends its ful support lo FMand and •vedan aganM tea ate lo tiair nabonal secunty FMand and •vedan refací and oondamn tervortom in te la tama and mandaateiona. In N MrongaM toan* FMand and •vedan unambtguousty oandamn Mi tarorltl orgaresabons parpotadng attacXs agamst TúrWye. and expresa the# deepest sofcdarity vvith Túrtoye and the famAes of the victims 5 Ftniand and •vetan coteta» that the PKK la a prosenbed terrorist organitaiton fluid and •vedan oomnte lo prevent acavaaa o* the PKK and ai omer tenerte* oryanvaaona and »ve artonaiont. aa vV aa acSMiva by MMMduMa a» MMviad and tteptad дцц or neSvorts totead lo tiesa terronst orgamsabons TOrtoye. Ftniand and •vedan havaagreed lo atepop oeepatatan lo pmaam too atOMaa oí tvae lawonM gwupo. Ftaand and Nvdsn rafacl too goteo oftooootewortto óiganla atona I Further to Na. fltend refera to aeveral recen! amendments of rts Criminal Coda by which new acta have been enacted as pumahatXe terrona« enmee The latea! amentenents entered mto forcé on 1 January 2022. by vtnch the acope of parbopabon in the acbvity of a terrohst group has been vndened Al the same une. puMc mótemete ralatod lo terrorist offenses vaa emvnoaaad aa a aaparala Mtonaa Sweden confirma that a nav. tougher. Terrona* Offenses Act enlamada toma on 1 Juiy. and that toa gouornmant • preparing further bghtemng of counterterronsm togtetobon. al levéis of govemment mduding babeaan iaw enforcement and mtelligence agencies, lo enhance cooperaron on counter-terrorism. orgamaed atoa, and odiar oommon ctolangaa aa ttoy ao decida • FMand and Sweden vfl conduct the ftght agamst terronsm with determinabon resolve. and In aocordanco with the proMMona of the ratovon* NATO documento and pottaa. and wfl take al roquirod atopa lo MgMan further domeatic legeiabon lo Na and. • FMand and Sweden «te addreaa TQrtdyo'a pendng daportsbon or extradrbon requeat» of terror suspeets expeditiously and tooroughfy. tatong mío account informaton. ovtdance and miaMoenca proMdad by TOrtdya. and eitaMwh neceasary bilateral legal frameworks lo facilítate extradition and security cooperation with TOrtdya. «n accordance with the European Convenbon on Extradibon. e FMand and Svadan vü tovooopato and Naidcl any Ononqng and recruitment activities of the PKK and al other terrorist organisations and their extensions. as val affiiiates or inspirad groups or networks TO.TOrtdyo confirms rts tong-standng support flor NATO* Opan Door poicy. and ayees lo aupport at the 2022 Madrid ttewndl fia toiR—on of FMand Hto СжеИапсу Mr Pakka Heavtoto
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