Британская пресса успокаивает публику: оказывается, инопланетяне на стороне Украины и в решающий момент остановят ядерные ракеты Путина. Похоже, больше Украине и Лондону в борьбе против русских рассчитывать не на кого CRISIS E.T’S ON KYIV’S SIDE Я ■ TRIGGER: Uri. top right *ays E.T will act if Putin goes nuclear ■ EXCLUSIVE try IWAN STONE URI Goiter reckons aliens will stop Vladimir Putin if he tries to fire his nuclear weapons. The spoon brinks think» they mi utc advanced lech rxikrgy to scramble ttie Russian dictator s warheads. Uri, 75, said "Miens ate not going to allow u* to go into a nuctrar war. "Widi one click of a button tw can «op the traffic on rite Golden Gate Bridge in San kroneisco and wc can knock out radar systems. ‘W'e can do anything with cyber today - you can Imagine what extraterrestrials ran do." Uri dunks aliens could visit us in die next five years anrl will come In peace lie predict» they will land at an Icotdc kication such as mysterious Easter Island or among the pyramid». Uri went on: "If an extra terrestrial alien civilisation will land here it is not going to be an invasion. It is going to br friendly. If they were hostile to us we would've been destroyed a king time ago." Uri claims to hose I tad his mysteriou» powers tested by dve CIA at the LawKmce Livermore National Laboratory m California. where research has been carried out into nuclear weapons And he says the Americans called on liim when thev needed die Itussiims to sign die Strategic Arms Reduction Tleatv in 1991. He cLsims hr used the power of his mind 10 convince one Russian signatory to |Xit pen to paper Speaking of aliens intervening If Mod VUd tnes to go nuclear. Uri want on: "I don't dunk they would tsive 10 land for ih.it. to sti>p Putin pressing die button. "IHere are so many other ways I ook at cyber wars today, look at espionage today. "I believe that tltcre are u few extra terrestrial totcllng-iuvs tint ore monitor lug us. Some come from totally dllfrrrnt leaves In the imlserse. •Me ,ue talking ubout such sophistical ed knowledge that we cannot comprehend* Uri says he liorl his first encounter of the thud kind agrd the. and discovered his IMiwrts shortly after. JAliens are not going to allow us to go Into a nuclear war'
Я Ватник,# я ватник, ,фэндомы,Ватные вбросы,ватные вбросы, ватная аналитика, пандориум,,твит,интернет,разная политота
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