V / вчера в 16:11 Кстати, про расы. Свежее исследование Ipsos (одна из крупнейших социологических контор в мире) на тему влияния расы, этноса и национального происхождение на доступ к обучению, получению жилья и трудоустройству в разных странах установило, что Россия является мировым лидером по равенству возможностей для представителей всех национальностей. Исследовали личный опыт и восприятие в 27 странах (там все топовые). В итоге. У РФ первые места по оценкам личного опыта доступа к жилью, образованию и трудоустройству. По восприятию - третьи по равнодоступности трудоустройства для всех национальностей. После Китая и Малайзии. И первые по доступности образования. Согласно этому исследованию получается, что мы самая нерасистская большая страна в мире. [Орда] - родная, злобная, твоя и I ipauL ui I auc, си м nvsi lv, < ional origin on opportuniti eptions and personal erience the World Economic Forum explores how much access to employment, edui snrial spruirps is influpnrpH hv pthnirih/ anH national nricrin arrnss 97 mi on^ro^ortuniifes:. Another 38%, say their own race, ethnicity, or national origin On average, 39% across the 27 countries surveyed say their own race, ethnicity, or national origin has had an impact on their own employment opportunities over the course of their life (12% a lot and 28% somewhat): More than half in South Africa (67%) and India (64%) report having had this experience whereas roughly half in Prance (56%), Hungary (49%), and Russia (49%) say it has not been the case at all; has had an impact on their access to social services: A clear majority of adults surveyed in India (68%), South Africa (58%), and Malaysia (56%) say they it has been the case for them compared to less than one in four in Russia (20%), Great Britain (23%), and Sweden (24%); Just over one third on average (35%), say it has influenced their On average, 38% on average say their race, ethnicity or national origin has impacted their education opportunities: More than half in India (65%), South Africa (62%), Malaysia (56%), and South Korea (55%) say it has while fewer than one in four in Russia (19%), Sweden (20%), and France (22%) do; access to housing: More than half in India (65%) and South Africa (57%) say so, compared to less than one in four who say the same thing in Russia (22%), Sweden (22%), Great Britain (23%), and France (23%).
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