Vladimir Kornilov @Kornilov1968 \/ SkyNews нарыл сенсацию: мол, спецназ в ЛНР использует брит, снайперские винтовки АХ338. И поражается: как они могли там оказаться?! Дорогие британцы, а не поставляйте в ВСУ оружие - оно и не будет оказываться в Донбассе. Не удивляйтесь, если скоро в ДНР и ЛНР «джавелины» увидите The Ukraine Connection It's winter in the Donbass, eastern Ukraine. Five Russian special operations soldiers are on patrol around the deserted village of Donets'kyi in the occupied Luhansk region - their moves are recorded by a camera mounted on a soldier's helmet. They walk past shelled houses and through a network of trenches, dug after Moscow's 'little green men' invaded Crimea in 2014 and this bitter conflict erupted. Pausing for a rest, one soldier removes his rucksack and lays his weapon on the trench wall. Pictures: Ukranian joint forces operation
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