ЦРУ ТОЧНО И ДОСТОВЕРНО 3HJUI0, ЧТО ГЛАВАРЬ УКРАИНСКИХ НАЦИСТОВ On 30 June 19-U. the Ukralnloa fascist and Hitler's profe3aional spy, Stepan A, Bandera (accords so his German appellation, "Consul H"), proclaimed In L’vov' then occupied by thefacraane, the resurrection of the Ukrainian State in Western Ukraine« same day a government vas forced under the designation af the "State Government" with Yaroslav Stets'ko, Bandera^ deputy, as premier,• • • украинский фашист и шпион Гитлера, Степан Бандера, оперативный псевдоним Консул S, A. Eondera appeared on the Ukrainian political horizon in June 1934 when, аз leader of t'çÿcÛH (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists) in Western Ukraine, he gave the order'to kill the Polish Minister of the Interior, ,Peracki. It is worth noting that, although the perpetrator of the act, Grigori rMatseyko, had not been arrested, the Polish police had immediately in its possession sufficient data to'otart а сабе against the leaders of the OUN, with Bandera at the head’, of the liât, This indicates that the evidence and data bearing on the revolutionary and terroristic activities of the OUB had not been .received from the murderer but.from some other source/. • Источник: официальный сайт Центрального Разведывательного Управления США. Рассекречено №р$://1М11лм.ш.дои/1Шгагу/геаШпдгоот/Рос8/ВАИРЕРА,%20$ШАИ 00l6.pdf
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У них для отребья, в том числе и хохлятского, есть слово nazi.