Когда в очередной раз вам скажут "Как так может быть, что Россия права, а весь мир не прав?", напомн / Я Ватник (# я ватник, ) :: разная политота :: фэндомы

фэндомы ...Я Ватник разная политота 

Когда в очередной раз вам скажут "Как так может быть, что Россия права, а весь мир не прав?", напомните ему это:

Это заметка из британской Times от 1 октября 1938. В ней сообщается: "Советская Россия - возможно, единственная страна в мире, которая не радуется успеху Мюнхенской конференции по предотвращению европейской войны.". Изоляция-с!

i an opcn^car ately appeared ic was packed in formations till ihe great mistaking the isiasm ol the nd reappeared i\ in response was prevailed |t-s." he said,
augh mcmor-; worked lor not this the > "	”	Yes."
Dnce had to i answer to
taken the initiative ol' paying	a triht‘IC >"
gratitude to the

i an opcn^car ately appeared ic was packed in formations till ihe great mistaking the isiasm ol the nd reappeared i\ in response was prevailed |t-s." he said, augh mcmor-; worked lor not this the > " ” Yes." Dnce had to i answer to taken the initiative ol' paying a triht‘IC >" gratitude to the British Prime Minister in ihe form of an illuminated address on which the Genevese are asked to sign their ,he courts ! men disap to slow do M. Daladi and after с names. r 'the most emotist ration Red Ensign immediately It marked a . and Irish ilgrimagc to" s he leaned red to notice his must he ,h;ii a British ' demonsirail is not too lark the bc-ihc restora-'P “HAPPIEST NEWS F°R 20 YEARS” I ROM Ol R CORRi:s|>(>sf5l.'S I COPENHAGEN. SP.Pi. The PnHtikcn's headline this morning expresses the Danish people's jo> in what it calls " the happiest piece of news in 20 eventful years." In its leading article it praises "Old Man Char.;. ,rlair.. who would not give up and created a new kind ol 'international conference by telegraphing to Herr Hiller: ' May I conic and see vott ? ' " The BcrUngskv Tide nth', however. gives expression to some anxiety when it stales : - -J'hcre will be some, specially among the small nations, who in I lie midst of ihcir joy that ihe avalanche has been stopped and heaven's light preserved will Icel a'cold shiver, MR 1Г ' alian ro-dav This ev! (hat the r thrown in the Tomb the Arc d Prime Mi solemn i memorial War. This evt held at th President The Pr< wards, nation’s Daladier I patriotism assumed delicate i mously a ment, and that M. B tribute. There i the meeti tion - - disi i conversât ! Mussolin French A possible*^ 1 on this p e predomin-tssolir.i has of Europe -•¡r thotighis. g is almost s of warm s indelaiig-A man oJ gentleman, vcrc' among d:u in prais-omen I. mi»-S “ iVicniliv Mr. ( ham RUSSIA IGNORES THE 'CONFERENCE Г ROM Ol R OWN ( ORRI Sl'ONIll N I RICjA. St' P't . 30 Soviet Russia is perhaps ihc only cotlntry in the world whichys not rejoicing at Ihc success of ihc Munich Conference in averting a European war. The masses of the people apparently remain"ignorant lhai ihe Conference has been held. forA-regards the Soviet Press, speeches, and wireless broadcasts which touch on the Sudctc problem merely give the Soviets version of evgnts before ihe Conference. A Cl (Jraieli VI inister. BELGIAN RESERVISTS RELEASED I ROM OUR (ORRIiSl’ONDl N |. BRUSSELS. Si-it. 30 Agreement hrotmhi i Ihc Munich a rchitect evepi iclc i\> evening i the prese properly Htirix-Si join with Prime Mi simple Ik beside a i held arou
Я Ватник,# я ватник, ,фэндомы,разная политота
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