Zimbabwean Dollar History
In January 2009, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe permitted the use of foreign currency in Zimbabwe in response to an economic decline that caused inflation levels of 5 billion percent. By April 2009, the Zimbabwe dollar was suspended indefinitely. The government has adopted a multiple currency framework which includes the Australian Dollar, Botswana Pula, British Sterling Pound, Chinese Yuan, Euro, Japanese Yen, Indian Rupee, South African Rand, and United States Dollar.
5 МИЛЛИАРДОВ %% инфляции национальной валюты...
С 2009-го там разрешили хождение иностранных валют, бо свою задолбались печатать и отменили нафиг...
Будут добавлять золотой вРубель (тм) %) ?
In January 2009, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe permitted the use of foreign currency in Zimbabwe in response to an economic decline that caused inflation levels of 5 billion percent. By April 2009, the Zimbabwe dollar was suspended indefinitely. The government has adopted a multiple currency framework which includes the Australian Dollar, Botswana Pula, British Sterling Pound, Chinese Yuan, Euro, Japanese Yen, Indian Rupee, South African Rand, and United States Dollar.
5 МИЛЛИАРДОВ %% инфляции национальной валюты...
С 2009-го там разрешили хождение иностранных валют, бо свою задолбались печатать и отменили нафиг...
Будут добавлять золотой вРубель (тм) %) ?
Ни плакат, ни реклама не имеют славянского происхождения ;)